Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Trailers: Transformers: The Dark of the Moon


by Stephen LaRose

Michael Bay has given us hours of dumb fun with his two previous installments of the Transformers franchise. This last week we got the first glimpse of the third chapter from Bay, Transformers: The Dark of the Moon. I’ll admit it, that’s a pretty ridiculous title, but the trailer has potential. Right off the bat, the trailer highlights The United States’ achievement of landing on the Moon, which gives us all that warm, proud patriotic feeling. We also see stock footage of Mission Control to further the authenticity of that feeling. But alas, we soon discover, that “we are not alone.” Who I assume is Neil Armstrong descends from the lunar Lander and bounds over a ridge to reveal a gigantic spacecraft. Inside he discovers a secret that the US quickly covers up. The trailer concludes with a shot of Alpha Trion, which morphs into the Transformers logo. All of this makes up for the lack of awesome that came with last film.

This franchise is not known for having a deep, thought provoking narrative. With this teaser trailer, I don’t see that changing at all. The entire trailer only shows us that the US found aliens on the Moon in 1969, and that Steve Stevens (you know who I’m talking about if anyone watched Even Stevens) was a part of it. Although it is incredibly awesome with everything taking place on the Moon, it scares me a bit. We don’t see any recurring characters, so we don’t know how awful Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is going to be, or if Shia Lebouef will give us his signature, “Nononononono!” However, it is only a teaser trailer, so it succeeds in that sense. I couldn’t be more excited for this film than I am now, despite the utter stupidity of Revenge of the Fallen. I even let out a shout of joy when I saw the “In 3D” text pop up.

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